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Welcome to the most important page on the whole site… It’s the page where your channel could be shown!

Below is the list of all our previous streamers and Youtubers we’ve had the pleasure to work with! Click on their banner to visit their website, and check them out! Oh, and don’t forget to check out their videos, you might see something you like for yourself!



Shelved Games [Twitch/YouTube]

Let’s see what we find on the shelf! Come and explore our backlog of games as we play through both newer and older titles in a welcoming and respectful community. Shelved Games has live-streams every Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday starting at 7pm CST along with multiple streams on the weekends. Follow us on Twitch and YouTube for all of our latest videos and be sure to stop by the channel and say hello. We always enjoy making new friends!


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Music used in the videos:

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening, ‘Play with me’ by DDRKirby(ISQ) via OCRemix on http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03064
Check out their site here: http://ddrkirbyisq.bandcamp.com/




mediocregaming logo v2Mediocre Gaming [Twitch/YouTube]

Hello, I’m Mediocre Gaming! You might also know me by Znamekop or Mursha on Twitch. I’m fairly new to Twitch so expect a lot of changes as I become more accustomed to streaming! I normally stream every Thursday, but feel free to follow my channel, you never know when I might be online! Also, don’t forget to check out my YouTube page, where I upload my gameplay videos, see you there!


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Music used in the videos:

Katamari Damacy, ‘Love Everlasting’ by DDRKirby(ISQ) via OCRemix on http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03064
Check out their site here: http://ddrkirbyisq.bandcamp.com/